Week 17: Wrapping it Up

This semester in social media class has opened my eyes to the possibilities that social media has and can offer in the business aspect. I believe that I can rely heavily with my photography business on social media to be my main platform for exposure and for business connections. I believe that it is important for me to stay consistent and frequent when it comes to using social media and therefore I need to put out a lot of time and energy into making my posts which I have not been able to do lately.

I've learned my social media can work towards you or against you depending on how much you post. When I have been posting frequently I have seen how many people I reach that are new potential clients but then on my off-season and when I don't frequently post I see that it can be negative and show people that I may be not as productive or as efficient as other photographers, therefor they are not booking with me. I believe that if you put in the effort or if you intend to start a page you need to focus on the future and effectively post to reach your audience and to show your customers how much you appreciate the business and how much you intend on working for them, which is in turn affected by the amount of effort you put into your social media. I believe that different social medias work for different people, I have learned that Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr and Reddit are all perfect forms for me as a photographer. I feel that at Etsey and Snapchat are not a good fit and I feel that there are also many others like Google+ or other forms of that nature that aren't as cost-effective. I feel that if you can put enough energy for Twitter that can be positive on anybody but I have not found myself able to put in enough effort or energy or have enough time to have an effective audience or reach with Twitter but I plan on the future to change that and to be more proactive with my Twitter account.

With this semester I have a better understanding of the benefits and the statistics that we can gain and the information and graphs that we have from the different forums and pages and tools that we have access to. The Google analytics and business Facebook page can narrow down our reach and audience and has helped me to consolidate the audience that I am trying to reach and who I'm trying to target. I think that the information given to us, if we can utilize it correctly, can be the difference between a failing and a thriving business and I feel that the only difference is the amount of time that we can put into it. If we can put forth the amount of energy it takes, it will mean the difference of a beneficial business or one that crashes. I feel that if we can be efficient enough on social media we do not need to market in any other forum or platform and that it can mean the difference of a popular business. I believe that in certain aspects and especially those who are more profitable and busy, they can benefit from hiring someone to solely work on social media for their business because there is so much marketing and audience and potential in that way and it would only help the company no matter what they are doing.


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