Week 9: Twitter
Chad Mullen

After setting up my Twitter account I had to do searches to find people that I knew and wanted to connect with but also searches to find accounts that were relatable to photography and photographers and pages that would help with my business and be beneficial for me to see their posts. After finding some people that I personally knew I tried to follow the photography path, so I used the key terms of Photography, Photographers, San Diego Photographers, and some personal names of specific people I wanted to follow. I started finding too many people so I only followed photography companies I knew and the most popular photographers in San Diego and ones I personally admire.

After researching how and what to put in a list I made three lists to start. One is called “Photography” and it’s a list which contains photography companies and pages for photography information and services. I made one called “Photographers” containing all the pages of photographers who I know, have connected with, are close in location or admire and look up to. The last list is called “Friends” and that contains all the friends and family I have on Twitter. I have only begun to add friends and put them into my lists so I have a lot more to add into my list but I want to maintain around the same number of followers and pages I am following. I feel that creating lists on Twitter helps organize your friends and feed, that way you can find the content or people that you are looking for and not have to go through your whole feed. They help organize who you are seeing or trying to see so that your feed doesn't become too busy or you get overwhelmed with all the information from every post from all the pages that you are following. Lists are a way to quickly sort or categorize the content or an easy way to look up a page you follow.

I feel like the best time to post on any social media platform is in the morning before 9 AM or after 5 PM because that is when people are out of work or usually home. The other best time is the weekends after 9 AM. I feel that the best day to post across the board is Saturday and it seems most consistent throughout all platforms, so that day should be the most important posts of the week. The most effective time for twitter is weekdays and I believe it is due to the majority of people using it, view it quickly and to see current information or news. This means many people use it on breaks and short down times in their day which is most often weekdays. Many studies have been performed and research determined Wednesday is the most active and beneficial time for Twitter.

I Also found this study on  https://coschedule.com/blog/best-times-to-post-on-social-media/  which has information and studies on many social media platforms.


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